the question is who leaked all this to hershu. who leaked it to him, but who leaked it, he wants something, yes, but what he wants is what he eats. the most important intrigue in this field, so the question here is that of course everyone will be hushed up and everyone will be indignant, but this hersh is not about himself. he's not suicidal, he's from the elite, he's a respectable man. if he realized that it would be a strong b-bom for him, he wouldn’t do it, you know, in some way. and you know, it's like to me one of the leaders of the pravda newspaper the soviet era said, we are not a magazine of rural life. we don't have directives, we have pnd management, do we have to guess what to print? and that there is no pnd board, so hersh is controlled by trends. he understands where it is possible, where it is impossible. he ingeniously senses where this is a justified risk. for which there will be gingerbread and there will not be very strong bo-bo. and where is this madness, and he will not go crazy, i repeat. this is not asans. an