chairman hersman. >> good morning. good morning, senator blumenthal, senator blunt and members of the committee. the n texas sb sent investigative teams to connecticut, missouri and maryland last month for four different accident investigations. in each of these accidents, there were problems that the ntsb has seen in our prior investigations. on may 17th during the evening rush home, a metro north eastbound train derailed in bridgeport about 20 seconds after that train came to rest, it was struck by a westbound train. there were over 70 injuries. two days prior to the crash a metro north inspection found a lack of ballast support at an insulated rail joint near the point of derailment. while this problem did not violate fra track safety standards, the ntsb is evaluating the damaged section of track as well as the adequacy of existing inspection standards. a second metro north accident occurred on may 28th when a track foreman was struck and killed by a train that was on track that should have been out of service. the