i'll see susan next week in charlottesville and i look forward to telling hertha this committee is committed to doing everything in its power to curb the threat of radical right terrorism in our country and to make heather's death count. thank you, mr. chairman. >> mr. cohen, this is a very important hearing. i think we have seen it before with tim mcvey. rabbi, thank you for pointing out my father's sort of i view legacy of 32 bombing missions over the nazis. for the life of me, i don't understand this mindset of hatred and revival of the nazi spirit. that i thought we crushed in world war ii. i was recently there six months ago to see the evil that was perpetrated by the nazis and my father worked to defeat. when i see skin heads and neonazis, and white supremacists, i am con founded how this could happen and it's moral and unaccepted. my grandfather was persecuted by the klan because he was catholic. hate tred hatred cannot stand in this country and we need to unite as a nation. i want to thank all three of you for your testimony. first i want to ask the chief, you had what could have bee