speak, what to do, because chernyshevsky, after all, he grew up internally under the influence of hertzin and ogorev, who, so to speak, began to knead the women's theme, and in general the century before last, the middle - this is generally a women's issue, when the whole society is divided, and chernyshevsky. they even put him in jail, because hertzin wrote something about him in a letter, well, i know that chernyshevsky lived the end of his life in exile, and 20 years, yeah, there in fact, he wrote what to do, because he had nothing else to do there, well, and he decided to think about a relationship with a woman, right, because the novel is dedicated to vera pavlovna and her difficult path through marriage to independence, yes, but he decided to think about it in the wrong place, he... describes his biography in many ways, because he also pulled his olga sokratovna out of such, that is , from under power, what a stuffy young man, i want to say, yes, well, i don’t know, here he is such a nerd, and then he is generally quite a handsome man, although he was very reserved, complexed, well,