the affordable housing community will be talking about but right now before you is a proposal from hesba to modestly increase, i think, less than 10 percent of the current funding on homelessness to provide option and access to housing without the construction of affordable housing which by the ways costs half a million dollars a unit to build, to answer that question. >> with the 13.8 million dollar investment we can help to prevent, 3,000 evictions and 300 families can help to get into permanent housing in the affordable and private market and over 400 adults do the same thing, supportive housing, more affordable housing incredibly important but right now we have over 5,000 people on the streets who don't have shelter and we should be looking at interventions like eviction presvenings as a way to reduce the homeless population in our city. >> next speaker. >> the city of san francisco is spending 1.7 percent of the budget on homelessness and this includes everything. about half of that is for housing, on people who are housed and the rest on shelter and behavior health and emergency ho