it would've been worn on the head of the hetian fusilier, driving washington's army back to new jersey and retreated into pennsylvania. could well have been worn in the actions right up to the crossing and the battles of trenton and princeton. then the soldier may well have been part of the garrison of new york. then a reinforcements into philadelphia in that winter of 1777-1778. that same winter, the american army, george washington's army was encamped about 20 miles west of philadelphia. british army had taken the rebel capital of philadelphia and was hoping to split off philadelphia and the northern colonies from the southern colonies and end the rebellion. washington's army marches into valley forge, about 20 miles west. in this is actually a painting will be very recognizable to people. probably one of the most iconic images of the american revolution. it was painted after the civil war. very evocative of the date december 19, 1777, as washington's army marches into its winter quarters of valley forge. and couple of the objects i have would have been witnesses to that winter encam