rain, heuring down noted, as dark as pitch in the woods. we got the order to form single hand on thece a shoulder in front of us. we crossed the stream on a narrow foot bridge and then were told to sleep anywhere we pleased. my blankets down and in the cold mud i flopped. pillow.at served as a much of his journal described the death of friends who died other than wounds in battle. in early september 1918, he grisly death of a man in his unit who shot himself. he wrote, a soldier of our battery, from oregon, decided he had had enough. he leaned against a tree and put muzzle of his rifle under his chin and pulled the trigger. brains were scattered on the ground. his reason, near as we could out, was he had contracted a venereal disease. managed he was getting worse. he was engaged to a girl in despanand was very department over the trouble -- despondent over the trouble he had gotten into. they waited to leave france after the war ended. conditions were so miserable and the treatment of u.s. troops so that they went so far as to call it a dea