you will remember, heydrich was responsible for this in the first place.this was only an acceleration of programs he put into effect before his death. something more, they felt, would have to happen. as it turned out on the body of one of the czech parachutists, they discovered a document from the village lidice. they did not know anything about this village, but they assumed it was somehow connected to the assassins who had got heydrich ultimately. so, a little over the week -- a week after the death of heydrich, they cordoned off the village, they herded together all of the men, defined as males over 15 years old and shot them 10 at a time, using a jewish work detail for the various bodies. the women were taken to a concentration camp. the children they catalogued to determine those who were racially unacceptable, who were killed, and those who were racially acceptable were placed into the care of aryan families to be brought up. they destroyed completely the village and obliterated all traces of its descendents. ultimately 16 of the children were found