the game the news does seem to take a back seat a back seat to spin and opinion and you can barely heyer the real issues over the shouting talking heads now back in one nine hundred eighty three ninety percent of the american media was own by fifty companies last year that number shrank to six think about that six megacorporations like g.e. and disney owning ninety percent of the media that you consume now print journalism is also struggling to stay relevant at a time when tweets blogs and online media floods through the gates with that which the newspapers once kept and it's not just the influence but in revenues that are influence but revenues and readership that they're losing these are just not market factors that say nothing about the quality of the news now it seems like there has been a transformation of sorts from watch dr arnall ism to laptop journalism corporate officials war general generals lobbyist senior administration officials are all taken at their word or treated with respect for those who lack good standing with the establishment and good luck their margin and marginal