when hhavyyfog groundedd ll flights aa the -& irport.the sittation left passeegers eetherrstanddnggin llng lines.. or onnthe phone seevice.. trying to re-book flights.. 3 (ms. finnh) "i'm frusttaaed because the customer servicve - pgent useddtte wwrd accomodations, but theee -3 aren't any accommodations to be made here." here."(ms. colgan) "it's the holidays, it's the weether, pou can't do anything bout itt but the people i wook for aren't going to be happy. ii have o do payroll tomorrow.. nn one else knows how to do it (llughter)" plauggter)" aiiport officials say they don't know when noomal operationn will reeuuee. they say the f-a-a -3&pwwll ecide. they - airlines before headinggtoothe airpprt to catch a flight.. orr to pick up r droppoff passengers.. 3 hooeownerr inn omerset county will be eligible for federal funns... to hell over coots &associated with hurricaae ssndy. sandy.the federal emergency manaaement aaency approved the aid on appeal... but rejectedd requests made by dorchester, - parrett, wicomiio and worcester counties.most maryland couuties are eligible forrmore baaic