people.last year nearly 200,000 red light camera tiikets were hhnded out in baltimore city... generating 75 dollars per ticket.those profits are shared between the city and a ppivate business that actually installs and controls the tickets issued. but the issue at hand... is paid according to the number - of tickets issued... and that's what has maryland's public interest research group worried that thhs could become all about money. been known to increase safety - traffic camer company's are aginst that cauus hey want to issue as many citations as poss. possible.maryland pirg believes the solution is for the city and ooher municipallties to take back total control of the red liggt camerassin addition... all violations are upposed to be reviewed by a law enforcemmnt official before a ticket is issued ut with tens of thoussnds issued each yyar marylnd pirg is also questioning that. in case you're wondering if these cameras have made a difference at all... according to some estimaaes... over a according to some difference at all... have made a these cameras have ade a difference