hhs ssmeone been using baltimore'' "e-- card readers" &pto hack into credit carr accounts?two brothers who were victims offcrrdit card fraud to city parking officials. t rashid and jim malii say ttey're convinced someone used a skimming deviie to steal their account information att one of ttese parking kiosks. they bothhparked in the samee area while visiting their phey say ttat's theeonly place where they bbth swiped their cards. <"i actually discovvredd on the 23rd... hat i used here in tte city.">< else.">the director of thee paaking authhrity tells ox 45 they are looking into the claims...and have inspected the meters... but so far... have foond noosigns of tampering. after dozens of city residents receivee astronomical water bills by mistake.... the city begins the process of replacingg antiquated water meter readers. 12-thousand homes that still have a 40-year old system, are being refitted with the new &preaddrs. some of the old one didn'ttwork... so customer's biils haa tt be estimated. public works officcals say thhs is the first step towaars a complete