people with these pains had histories of such things as tension or migraine headache, heartburn, hiatus hernia, stomach ulcer, colitis, spastic colon, irritable bowel syndrome, hay fever are and asthma. that's quite a listing. and eczema, all of which have been strongly suspected by physicians of being emotionally based. the pain syndromes here referred to as neural system we believe to be fundamentally emotionally-based. simple awareness of the diagnosis itself we have found can be therapeutic and eliminate the pain. for some patients who accept the concept of what is going on, it is necessary to work with a psychologist to get at the root of the problem. although back pain may disappear spontaneously, in many patients it becomes a life-long problem. there is no logic to the traditional physical treatment. instead, experience has shown, my experience, that the only successful and permanent way to treat the problem is by teaching patients to understand what they have. a physician because he recognizes both the physical and psychological dimensions of the condition must make the diagnosis. this