i can outcook hickenlooper any day. i believe mesa is the first one to apply under small start of what i with a small extension that comes to downtown and we're ecstatic -- >> congratulations on that. >> we think we met it. otherwise we're going to blow it off the starts with the new standards so thank you very much. one question i'd like to ask about is -- you've talked a lot about mpos and about some reformation that might need to come from mpos and i think one of the things that's come out through the stimulus and how the dollars have flowed is it's accentuated maybe some flaws but some deficiencies in that cities are not being able to make the type of decisions and the flow of funds directly to cities is certainly been affected by the mpo system as we have now. what kind of specific ideas or proposals would you have to reform mpos in how cities can become more directly involved in those decisions? >> i mean, i like the approach that mayor hickenlooper, that mayor daly and other probably big cities -- where they have