hicks, i'm out of watch. it's a print, a want them in 2022. when the weight of evidence of us some of the 3 biological programs that exceeded any reasonable limits. deputy secretary of state victoria newland, for the 1st time submitted us specialist working in ukraine. ukraine has a biological research facilities which is in fact we are now quite concerned russian troops. russian forces may be seeking to gain control of so we are working with the ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of a russian forces should they approach based on recover documents. it's noon over 20 labs of working under united states programs in ukraine to load the all around 300 symbols i sent as don't sit around because whatever happens behind the high fences surrounding them is on the russian diplomats trying to raise the issue at the un security council, special meeting of the status of the stuff. i think it's the shrub of the voice i'm very interested in or do i give it to be i do not. they do much invitation wi