in the 6th century, it was returned to jerusalem by the greek emperor hieraclius. both events have in common that the found cross was erected, that is, raised before the people present, while turning it to all sides of the world in turn, so that people could bow to it and share with each other the joy of finding and seeing the shrine. on the eve of the day of the exaltation of the cross, a remembrance of this event is held, a solemn festive service, all night long, on the day of the holiday itself, the divine liturgy. an important distinctive feature, a feature of the service, the exaltation of the cross, is the rank, the carrying out and the raising of the cross. the priests, vested, in purple vestments, the color of lent, bring the cross to the center. we remember that the cross is not only the instrument of our salvation, on which christ was crucified, but also an integral part of our own spiritual life, a spiritual weapon for each of us. in the holy gospel we find the following words of the lord jesus christ. he who does not take up his cross and follow me is n