so last for you send your entire planet hieromonk. so it's a view of life. after every american nephew who petition that him and you feel like you can do everything. just. so you know the. good look it's over it gets right. more to try to do more than the fact. any one. of the. family and their families in. the same time. you feel like. you. and. others say. this. because. it was. kind of. where the. good. for immigrants. ever really know for sure but. you know what. you're not going to. get. anybody. i'm on a month on those in person but the best honest i don't mean any of them. so i says you know what i was you're not. you're not just i mean most important i'm already whatever sped up out of me just got to go easy i mean the lord. has been up and i must admit that really feels i just don't get it or something getting worse but those were the oaths they speeded to silence those people are going to respond on one of these but i would probably say does this by the support of his i'm with. my family fussy equal credible my just but that already and yes it will