take, for example, the area of saint matthews and highfields in leicester in this area.re than 80% of people who are living in social housing were born outside of the uk, of whom only around half 52%, are currently working. according to the latest census, only 43% of people who live in that area were born in the uk. a larger number of people were born in the middle east or asia. three quarters of people in that area are muslim, and shockingly, more than four in every ten people in that area are living in households that contain no adults who speak english as their main language. or consider their main language. or consider the area of tockington or monk's park near wembley stadium in this area. nearly 73% of people who live in social housing were born outside of the uk, of whom only 43% are currently in work. fully 35% of people in that area, more than 1 in 3, refused to identify with a british or an engush to identify with a british or an english identity, and instead choose a non uk identity only, which is an option on the census. fully one quarter of people here live