. >> bill, highmark health. can you envision your party, the republican party, coming forward with an alternative to the affordable care act that incorporates many of the provisions, the popular provisions, provisions people think work that could be a viable solution to some of the problems that seem to be in the rising with the law? >> yes, so we believe -- >> this year. >> so, well -- this year, tack that at the end there. many of us are working on alternatives, but it's literally a function of running numbers. i don't think this year big reforms will be ready yet and that's just a logistical point. the republican study committee has a bill for a complete obama care replacement that's been released that has 100 co-sponsors already. tom coburn and i, back in 2009, 2010, had complete alternative patient-center reforms that we offered when obama care was being deliberated, so before, during, and after obama care, was deliberated and passed, we put out very comprehensive patient-centered market-based plans and i d