w úuitzis burecord@ highsno, c e >>no rc epreorc te2r: new yorkes to 47th street.c 2 trend differenttals e foster explains, múuzibu@sses in the stockzibu@noc rec 2tinot2 decade2 profitab september selloff.@noc rec 2ricd 2 the question manking is whether@ rec an2 excellent opportunity.t2 the metal this year.auin fact, y despite their underperformance, healthy.bu@noc rec 2noc rec 2 >> reporth for gold, take a look wice as hard as the yelloauzi gold zibutogeth@er, bunoways trade i si@noc rec 2 uses. trader anthony neglia th pricesk @onths ahead.auzibubuzibuly wbue noc hares c be2en lagging latelyc 2 that we've been having globall in europe, in china buzibutateso rec si2lver prices head lower, r buyers on 47th street and anbud zine season.buzibu@ noreport," new york.buzibu@noc 2 @noc rec 2ing director and strategimarkets. bu hzii,bu @. buzibu qu@ite noac rec @noc recg we'll see saw today? coast clear ifdoes go awh rescue plabuzibu su@sienoc know rec cer characterizec c 2overcu tzihibus is a hint is what thiscu mzi we'v zibuthat h@as offcuzibu@ uttern2 especially last week when precio las