in the year 1248 hijri entered the field of gati in ashtian farzandi, which later became part of iran'stes. the tobacco movement started in tehran through mirzah ashtiani. shirrazionu, the most prominent cleric. he reached the scientific level of ijtihad. he was the leader of the people's protest against the transfer of tobacco privilege in tehran, which led to the issuance of a fatwa banning tobacco by mirzai shirazi. colonialism, in fact, in this day and age, the old and crafty british rule over the country caused that the late ashtiani start the protests and according to the protests of the late ashtiani, as well as sending to najaf the late shirazi bozorg, mirza shirazi bozorg, issued a fatwa to ban tobacco . well, for today, although we had calm weather in most places, all meteorological and rainfall news were limited to the northern and eastern regions of the country. there were not a few cities from which rain and wind blew temporarily, more were reported in the northern and eastern regions of the country, for example, like mashhad, but for tomorrow for tomorrow though in the pas