governorro'malleyysays he supporr's a hikk in maryland's ggsslineetax.mmended a 15-ccnt increaae in the gas tax ver three years.the governor says some typeeof increase is necessary to help pay for road and bridge repairs.buu legislaaive leaders ay raisingthe gas sell...ill still e a ttugh (miller) "no matter how harr you explain it,,nn mater how much you talk about it to put peoppe back to work, it's a quality of life issue, it's an &pwe're among the most sue, - congrested aree in the whole uuittd states, peoppleedo not like the gas ax." tax."" lawmaaers will be briefed tomorrowon the optioos for raising the gas tax....ut no decisions will be made until theregulaa seesion this winterr p... woman... and baby.../ are... struck by a car... this afterno. afternoon.emergencyy vehicles.../ were aa the ssene.../ on... north avenue ...and chester street.../.ááitáá... happeeed... just... &pbefore 4.../.áááoáá condition.../// áátheáá baby... áwasá conscious... aad rying.../ whennofficees aarived. how are the roads looking tonig? tonight?lauren cook has ur maps-fib