. >> i have a question for commissioner hiland, please. >> looking at resources, i wanted to basically quickly comment on identifying other resources that people haven't thought about. when i went to architectural school in germany, which has a lot of historic resources, being a country that is slightly older than the u.s., as architectural students, we actually, for one course, needed to choose an historic building. i chose, as four other students, a moted castle built in the 11th century and it was not surveyed. weren't e diand we did that forl credit. i'm wondering as to whether or not given berkeley nearby and other art schools and other architectural programs, to tap into that resource where students, for credit, participate and learn about historic preservation, how to look at neighborhoods and buildings. i just want to let that be a discussion perhaps in your commission. at this moment it is finding how to tie the swings and the knots together on how to make this happen earlier, and not only asking for money, money, but to find how other people can participate. >> that's a great