one woman elected during that campaign is now the great secretary of labor, hilda soliz. [applause] in my foundation when we organize of the grass-roots level, we organize in people's homes. we organize like tupperware. these are poor people and immigrant women, but they are able to create miracles when they know they have the power. we have the power. what is the power we have? it is in our persons. by being together, marching together, we are the majority. if we do not do anything and do not exert the personal power we have, and nothing is going to change. like all the leaders that came before us, in order to follow them, we have to take their example and killed on mount -- we have to take their example and build on that example. i want to invite you to come to the workshop. listen to the great minds. get the information and knowledge that we need. we have so much work to do. i want to remind is we're one human race. it is a zuma word from south africa that means women are coming together to fight for justice. i want everybody to shout wozami at the top of your lungs so