then i thought, then hildegard would fortify terry's veridi, the as with food and deep sleep and restso that's what i did. and it was amazing to see how was the prescription began to work. then the first of the month rolled around, and mike showed up. and he was still pretty cute. he was still wearing his little levis and still walking with his little strut, and the nurses and i, we stood there, and we made him wait in the waiting room, and we told terry and watched terry wheel herself on her gurney the whole length of the ward and go in to see him. they were this there a long time -- in there a long time. finally, the door opened, and mike came out alone and left. terry had thrown him out. she told him never to come back. then she stopped smoking. her appetite came back, she started to to eat. and that hole in her back side began to fill in. and since i only saw it about once a week with, its healing seemed as miraculous to me as those time lapse movies you see, we used to see in school when you'd watch a plant grow from a seed in just a few minutes? that's the way ter arely's bed so