leslie's voices are likely to plague him for the rest of hilife, but for many patients with schizophrenia, medications do provide a means for effectively relieving major symptoms, allowing a return to living in the community asome level. in addition to medication, there are a variety of psychosocial intervenons that can help ease this transitio from in- to outpatient they include family erapy, which focuses on improving faulty communications ancan reduce relapse rates. group therapy, in which several pele wschizophrenia meet wh a leader and work on soal interactions and relationship skills, and milieu therapy, an inpatient program that provides a therapeutic community in whichatients share responsibilities andecision-making with a professional staff, praring them for life outside the hospital sting. at the los angeles veteran's administration medical center, the skilraining program alsoddresses issues of independent living, such as managing medication and its side effects. what are some things you thi you might be looking for to tell you the efct of the medicine? hypeension. hypertension.