thank god she didn't listen to me. >> i, hillary rodham clinton -- >> hillary clinton's election to the over. >> it was like his career was shutting down, and hers was just beginning. >> i think that was really liberating for her, to leave the white house, actually. >> she went on to do so much good in that role. >> republican congressmen expected heexpect expected herb to just lord it over them. no, what she did was use her celebrity to shine on their legislation. >> after eight years as senator of new york -- >> thank you, rob bet. i successfully avoided this room for eight years. >> hillary becomes barack obama's secretary of state. by 2016, there's only one place left to go. >> we've reached a milestone. the first time in our nation's history that a woman will be a major party's nominee. >> but when hillary makes a bid for the highest office in the land -- >> she's a very unlikeable candidate -- >> she once again finds herself under attack. >> is not charismatic, she is not likeable -- >> to me there was a direct line of everything you had heard for 10, 20, 30 years. years and years