consultancy and its global health care consulting business unit, hillco health. and by the mattson mchale foundation n support of public television. and also by mfi foundation, improving the quality of life within our community. and also by the alice kleberg reynolds foundation and viewers like you. thank you. she's a veteran and mmch loved new yorker magazine wriier whose credits include the or card s.s.i., saturday night, the bull fighter checks her makeup and the children's book lazy little lowfers. her latest book and it is so incredibly good, is rin-tin-tin, the life and the legend. she's susan orlean. this is overheard. >> smmth: susan, so nice to see you. >> orlean: it's a pleasure to be here. >> smith: thank you for being back. >> orlean: couldn't be happier to be here. >> smith: good. now, i want to talk about rin-tin-tin, but i want to talk about animals first, because before we talk about rin-tin-tin, let us establish you are an animal person. >> orlean: i guess i am. >> smith: yeah. >> orlean: i... i... >> smith: your current holdings include... >> or