. >> for keen, it was a chance for redemption, to restore his family name and, says author hillel levinwould solve a crime. >> but it wouldn't be easy. fair to say, he was risking his life. he could have been killed. >> it was dangerous, absolutely. >> it was highly risky. these people in those type of places haven't got anything better to do than to try and hurt you and kill you, too. >> keen was unsure, but a phone call home put his doubts to rest. keen's stepmother said his father had suffered a stroke. >> she said he's in really bad shape. we wish you were here. this is terrible that you're in a spot where you're in right now because we could lose him. >> keen needed to get home fast and is there was only one way to make that happen. he had to face an alleged serial killer first. >> i just thought, you know what? however bizarre or how far out or whatever this mission that beaumont wants me to go on, i'm going to do it. >> my gosh, talking about an intriguing mission. has this ever been done before? >> never before. you have larry hall who is in prison. he's a convicted killer, in p