my name is rose hilson, and i'm actually a resident of jordan park, not specifically the richmond. but i'm covered by the richmond police station. i see captain korea here. i'm glad to see him because we had some discussions in the past and worked on some projects. i would like some additional budget consideration for traffic officers considering that in the richmond district, it's very quiet, hardly anything happens. but what i learned from captain korea is, a lot of the criminal elements, like to drive through. they don't exactly take muni to commit crimes or walk. and so if we have additional traffic enforcement and education out here t. would really help things. if you would consider that in the budget. the last sthing please consider the i.f. spending in the city because i think there are redundant systems. i can get into details at some other points. thank you. >> i think i already read a question from you. dwaupt to elaborate on that question? >> i want to make a short comment. vera hail from the advisory council to the department of aging. one of the things we notice now is