be able to mail it so we had to hand-deliver all the brochures around the district with the hilton san francisco who knows how many of those actually got delivered. i think harry is with us here today shining down on us and i think it's absolutely wonderful that harry is going to show up in mailboxes around the country and as mayor ed lee said it's going to be forever. thank you. (clapping.) >> thank you, ann. you know, in 1979 we had our first memorial recommends for my anile i was in school in washington i went to a memorial at the land rising an lgbt bookstore and there were a lot of protesters the protesters about my uncle's legacy have died down by the way, there's a research council small voice and minds are protesting this the protester there was a woman taller than me hungarian than life i met for the first time dr. mia angelo and we lost her today and she swore that being i lost my usage she reached you tell to me and made one of the first quotes that's she's quoted on but she ever say there to support my uncle's legacy she said i am gay. i am lesbian i am black, i am white, i am chicke