for seven years he is adjutant to ss leader heinrich himmler. from 1936-1940.vorite of hitler -- i'm sure, favorite of himmler but he's also a favorite of hitler because he is the ss liaison to the fÜhrer headquarters. he's looked at by hitler as this area and tall figure, very aristocratic in appearance, blonde hair, well-educated, very cultivated. wolfe can be seen on the right hand side just over the shoulder of himmler on one of their many visits to concentration camps. this one in the soviet union. wolf is a role largely as later referred to as desk murderer, signing documents that help facilitate the train system moving concentration camps, one place to the camps. inset timber in 1943, however, following the removal of mussolini from office and the change of allegiance by italy switching sides, adolf hitler in a rage swears that the german forces are going to go into the vatican and, indeed, it of its cultural objects and treasures, and takes wolf beside and defines them secretly this responsibility, including kidnapping, in fact one general later argued,