and we'll talk to a hindu swami, who will speak very articulately about how his meditation brings himto a oneness with the consciousness that is the mind of brahman, or god, in the hindu pontience [sp], so we'll look at that. and it doesn't mean that christianity or judaism or islam is left out of the mystical picture because we have the theist tradition - popular in eastern orthodox christianity, and we'll talk to folks in that area, but one - well, here's an icon. if you can see this icon here from the eastern orthodox church in caana, where jesus turned water into wine. a deeply devout eastern orthodox person would not just see a picture of one of the ancient saints or martyrs - that's a window into heaven; that's a window up through theosis that draws the believer into an identity and relationship where that line between identity and relationship is erased and they are one in that spirituality. and we'll find that in christian mysticism. we'll talk to a woman who is a christian mystic and also practices these. so interesting stuff, and that's why i've just devoted a whole second c