hinduism, god knows to buddhism, 2000 years. islam is a baby. it's about 1800 years old. 1300 years. think of the empires that have risen and fallen over that space of time. ideologies that have come and gone. no ideology has ever created a religion other religions have hosted many ideologies. darwin because of when a legend who he was with bind one thing. religion is the most powerful tool for preserving him and collect his. even more powerful than ethnicity because while people will fight for their clan, their tribe, their family, their kid, like al qaeda. al qaeda, they don't all speak arabic. or certainly aren't arabs. they come in brown, tan, yellow, white, black, it's a real multinational corporation. but they will die for each other for their vision of faith you to underestimate the power of religion in human affairs, is like putting a ball and chain inertia future tangles from you. so in afghanistan, i don't want to leave. on to keep some forces there, to keep hammering out qaeda here but let us recognize, al qaeda is not in afghanistan