. >> hinduism? >> no, hinduism existed already. >> islam? >> islam comes to the floor in the 600s, and as the islam spreads across iran and spreads down -- crash -- into china into central asia, into middle east, into europe, islam has a common language of scholarship which is arabic, and now they are spreading knowledge of sugar anywhere anyone speaks arabic. they can now learn how to use this new substance. one way they used the sugar was to make beautiful sculptures. these look like trees, but these were entirely built out of sugar. what they would do is have these big celebrations where a ruler to show what a wonderful powerful generous ruler he was would commission these huge sculptures made out of sugar, and have you had marzipan? it's a mixture of sugar and almonds, and they would make sheas sculptures out of the mixture of sugar and almonds. what do we call numbers that we write? 0, 1, 2, 3 -- the way we write them. what do we tall that kind -- what do we call that kind of number? >> accounting numbers. >> or there's another name for