some have links to hinduism, would you dismanned other religions.his scup stir is from the second century. >> they look so gaunt. >> the war cyst representing renouncers who gave up society, who began fasting and meditating in order to attain enlightenment. >> but yoga practice was often completely secular and came as a maharaja who believed that they could achieve supernatural powers like levitation, commissioned a wealth of sculptures, paintings and manuscript. what does the word yoga mean? >> the root of yoga means is yog, to join to, unite. the term yoga has probably more meaning than any other sanscript word. these range from the harness of an ox to the union between opposites. >> americans, including henry david thorough became interested in yoga as early as the mid 19th century. but yoga later developed a somewhat less noble image. even before the era of movies, a famed magician of the late 1800s, howard thurston traveled the country attending to have supernatural yoga-style powers, performing illusions like his suspended rope trip. >> americ