>> hinojosa: who can you trust? >> how many people, you know, will be happy to take you and have you killed, or have you disappear? but, you know, i want to stress that what we go through as foreign correspondents, american foreign correspondents, is nothing compared to what our mexican colleagues go through. i mean, they're stuck there. they have to live that, you know, day by day. we have the luxury of coming in, parachuting in, and leaving. i'm not saying it's not difficult, but, i mean, it is, i think, a big, big difference in terms of security, personal security. >> hinojosa: so why do you keep doing it, alfredo? i mean, you're at the level in your career where you could say to your editors, "you know what? base me in who knows where, but not mexico city." >> i've asked that question myself, you know, i think for the past 300-something, 60 days. i don't really have a clear answer. i mean, i do have... feel a huge responsibility. and i think as a foreign correspondent there's no way that you can overlook this st