i say 420, stay away from haight ashbury and hippie hill, thank you. >> president yee: mandelman. >> supervisor mandelman: i think office of cannabis may have some insight into how smoking would work at the very small number, perhaps only one event where smoking would be permitted and pursuant to state law. so if the office of cannabis could pea in how it may work in practice. >> thank four your question. so the state regulations do require a separate and distinct premises for smoking area, so there is a requirement the area be compartmentalized. we would work with our partners at the city -- excuse me, the department of public health to develop a framework for consumption permits as they do for regulate businesses for retailers, written consumption regulations and we follow them. >> president yee: supervisor mar. >> supervisor mar: again, i do support the intent of the legislation to properly regulate cannabis smoking and consumption at events like 420 and the six other events mentioned. i assume those are events, i have not been to them myself, but where this is happening already i