dropping nuclear bombs first on the japanese city of hirashimov, and after 3 days nagasaki killed hundreds of thousands of people. the soviet leadership understood that the only way to stop the united states was to create the same formidable weapon, so the atomic project immediately became the highest state priority. kurchatov himself begins to work at the limit of human capabilities, a special committee headed from august 1945 to july 53 held more than 140 meetings until the day of his arrest; this is a state machine. more than a thousand resolutions were adopted and the kurchat took part in all meetings in all orders. under them , kurchatov took part in the preparation and relied on his knowledge, his experience, his approach, that is, no papers were prepared without gloves. the critical one is important, since our countries were in a position to solve the problem of creating atomic weapons. in the same year, for security reasons, kurchatov built a two-story mansion right on the territory of secret laboratory number two, which everyone began to call a hut. forester. the first post-war me