not state actors, you don't know-- you don't have a clear victory, you don't have mcarthur, and hirohitod so, you had this entire apparatus of security that's grown up that is somewhat perpetual, and i think one of the big jobs i had was to try to, first of all, not make that the end-all and be-all of our foreign policy, to try to create legal structures around it, and i think that i was successful in a lot of respects, but there are some areas, like closing guantanamo, that i couldn't get it done. >> stephen: were you surprised you couldn't get it done? >> yes. >> stephen: and when you got in there you went, oh. this isn't one move, there are actually chess pieces involved here. there are pressures at play here, deliberately established? so, that-- >> yes. >> stephen: it couldn't be, even though it could be created by fiat, it could not be undone by fiat? >> i was surprised as commander- in-chief i could not shut down a facility that was both unnecessary and, in my view, contrary to our legal traditions. >> stephen: did you ever ask for information and they said we can't tell you? >> no