. >> my name is hiroshi sakuda. i am here again to state our concerns from csfn. we are a neighborhood organization of over 40 neighborhood groups. this is the third time that this has been tried to be amended -- ceqa amendments. twice before, it was rejected. this is the third time. we have concerns about these things. first of all, the neighborhood organizations, environmentalists, and the public, has not been involved in the process from the very beginning. this has been essentially a developer-proven process. the public was left out in the cold. we think for good government that everyone should be included. here we are at this meeting and there are more amendments at the very last moment. no one seemed to quite understand what it is. obviously, we cannot proceed. why the rush? this is introduced in 2004 and 2006. here we are again. planning director ram -- i'm want to thank you for the meeting you had last week, the conversation with director moran about the health element. that was very useful. if we could have something like this on the ceqa amendments, that