two brothers, hisham and tony ghanma. they'd already threatened her, said paul. ed their there had been a confrontation just weeks ago. >> what happened is, he called me and said he was going to kill me. he spoke in arabic. i speak it fluently. so we called the police. >> he and jennifer filed restraining orders against both brothers. >> now she was scared from him. literally scared from him. i'm scared from the guy. so i know those guys like this. now yesterday she walked home and she said, hey, somebody probably was stalking me. >> had the brothers killed her, too? police listened, and then had paul give them his clothes for forensic testing. questioned by police, his home destroyed, his girlfriend dead, paul zumot was very nearly in shock, said his friend. >> his mind was, are they sure jen for the gone and, oh, my god, she's never coming back? >> as the weeks went by, paul was in a kind of daze. >> the gist of our conversations for the first few weeks is that jennifer's not coming back. he was completely distraught about the fact that jennifer was in that fir