. -- hisichael bender story out last night. passes $694 million plan amid criticism. this debate went late into the night last night. we bring you some of the action from the floor last night. one of the speeches was by steve steve scalise. [video clip] is a crisis at our border. the president has refused and failed to do his job to address the crisis. the senate failed to do their job and left town without passing anything to address this crisis. the houses here working. -- the people's houses here working and we won't stop working until we get this done and passed legislation. pass legislation. that allows the governors along the border to call up the national guard to secure the border. at the president had all the tools to secure the border but he won't. he has failed to do one of his basic functions in securing the american border. shouldn't the governors along that border be able to call up the national guard to help secure it? not only do we do that, but we put the funds and placed which were that it gets done. we end this catch and release problem. magnet for