>> sort of like morgan -- with hisrgan freeman, arm injury. you have an arm injury?> all the way, it starts back here. -- i forgottell me the number of stitches it was, but that is what i had. the last one was from here to about here. and the doctors, we were near shreveport, louisiana. the doctors had a knife like a butter knife and they started doing this with it. i thought they were not paying much attention to me. they were starting to get the glass out. and they said they had to hurt me. so they could tell where the glass was. ain't been back to them no more. is a harrowing story about an accident on a tour bus in your career. that arm was damaged, but obviously not damaged so badly that you could not recover and still play. what would you have done if your arm had been so damaged that you could not play guitar know more? >> i probably would have gone back to picking cotton. tavis: if your arm is messed up, you could not do much of nothing with it. >> not as much as the day before, but it seemed like it was good as a practice. i was trying to get at with that qu