hissora, sarah and many others made it to the upper deck.er the side of the boat where there were some other guests holding on to the side, sort of blocking the exit. we were shouting at them to move out of the way so that we could get out the exit. then we had tojump in the water and i had no life jacket on. the current was very strong, so my friend chris got swept away one way, i was swept away another way. and i thought if the boat was going down, we needed to get away from it so that it didn't pull us down with it. it's thought 16 people failed to make it out of the boat. amongst them were lucianna, her partner christophe, and a dive guide called youssef. the whole of the boat is like this and everything is in the water. and us, we are in this little part in the corner of the hull. and this is where they were stuck, the air pocket that trapped them for 35 hours. "we had to remove our luggage, open the door," he says, "swim out here. we almost didn't make it." meanwhile, sarah made it to one of the two life rafts. she says safety essentia