because it happened in arkansas, historigraphy. remember in the civil war. wartime journalists celebrated events in the east, they downplayed events in the west, and they basically ignored events in the trans-mississippi. when the war ended, historians simply continued that mindset, that attitude, that approach. things are changing now these last 20 years. there's a really good book on pea ridge here. everybody should have a copy. but this development is new, and it's going to take a few decades, i think, before we really begin to grasp how important, how interesting, how significant events were in the trans-mississippi. now curtis was a modest man. a very methodical man. really he had the heart and soul of a civil engineer. he did not like to blow his own horn. he never made much of this revolution in military operations. but inside, curtis knew what he had accomplished. in a private letter to his brother in ohio, a lawyer, and we know it's private because curtis wrote on the outside of the envelope "private" and underlined the word three times. he told wha