encourage the more complex person of assisting the home burn to grow into -- human person to grow into histotallity. young people today are looking for complete education that can enable them to look to the future with hope rather than disenchantment. there is so much creative potential in europe in the various fields of scientific research, some of which are yet to be fully explored. we need alternative sources of energy, the development of which will greatly assist the protection of the environment. [applause] europe has always been in the van van van -- vanguard efforts to promote ecology. our needs constant concern and care and attention. each of us has a personal responsibility to care for this creation, this precious gift, which god has entrusted us. this means on the one hand that nature is at our disposal to enjoy and to use properly. but it also means that we are not its masters. we are stewards but not masters. we need to love and to respect nature, but instead we are often guided by the pride of domination, of possession, of manipulation, and of exploitation. we don't preserve the earth.