soldier, uh, well, we heard all this in forty-four, forty-five, the blitz cry, uh, how to say hitler, jugentlk sturm, and excuse me , volk sturm is close, and hitler jugent and we stand until the last, and have you flown before? i haven’t done a lot of things before, and then i did, it’s a dream, but to fly with me, you’ll promise now and i won’t... i won’t take it, i’ve been waiting all my life when we can just talk to you, you don’t want to hear anyone but yourself, we can’t put it off , we’re preparing a flight, it’s hard to keep up with the person, dad, i want to see you, who is trying to catch the wind, i write a letter to him every day , and then when he returns, i give him mine, and he goes to the storm with his, what? you pestered me, what do you want? let him go down where, every time i worry when he leaves, but he comes back, he promised me, master of the wind, come on, fedor, hold on, you’re used to it watch videos online, stopped working , install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, cinema and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the applicati