because there is about to hold a very important regional election that is the heartland of say ho fers c.s.u. and the c.s.u. wants to look very very tough on immigration at this particular moment in time in order to ward off gains in their heartland from the far right anti immigration a.f.d. party which as you know has been on the rise so that's why he's putting on this pressure right now and just briefly what's likely to be happening this weekend lots of talk behind closed doors i'm saying that they were told that the former finance minister and the current president of the parliament wolfgang schauble is trying to mediate to broker a compromise he has the respect of both sides he's also known to be fairly conservative on immigration issues they will be pushing hard for a compromise we've heard that the chancellor is not changing any of her travel plans for next week she's still going to be heading to jordan that would indicate that she is optimistic or at least trying to look that way nonetheless it's a tough situation and it's not clear that we will have a compromise on monday morning cam