. >> played football, hocke hy an lacrosse. mom and dad came to every game. ighth grade i was awarded to phelps scholarship. >> it felt like i was on top of the world. junior year of high school i committed to play lacrosse at the university of maryland. my freshman year of college i got mersa. >> he was in a significant amount of pain. >> when i got the first shot of morphine it was like a warm blanket covered my whole body. it was the feeling i looked for my whole life. i was fully strung out on pain medication. 1ook good. 3 i felt amazing. probably over $1,000 per r day. it was so expensive and i could get high on heroin with $5. this is where i started my high school career. fast forward seven years, i did not graduate college and now i am hustling heroin on the streets. i don't know how to stop. these are the spots where i i inject the heroin. i have sold everything that i owned, every computer i had, play station, anything my parents owned of any value is gone. >> i don't worry about whether he is taking $20 or if a tv is missing. i worry i will get a p